Equipment Loans
The club loans out certain pieces of photographic equipment to fully paid up members, of good standing, for free. Members are expected to look after the equipment and treat it with care. A list of the equipment we have is listed below.
Seeing it listed on this page is not a guarantee that you can borrow it as it may already be on loan to someone else.
If you do wish to borrow something, you can speak to any member of the committee.
X-Rite i1 Display Pro Monitor Calibrator
We have an X-Rite i1 Display Pro Monitor/ Projector Calibrator. Instructions for use are in the box and you will need to install software onto your computer to use it. The latest software can be found on the X-Rite website.
Bowens Esprit 250 Studio Photography Kit
consisting of
Bowens Espirit Studio Lights BW-1070 x 2
Manfrotto Light Stands x 2
Interfit Flash Transmitter x 1
Shepherd Flash Meter FM1000 in case x 1
Flash Trigger Leads x 2
Mains Cables for Lights x 2
Extension Lead x 1
Large Silver x 1
Small White x 1
Small Silver x 1
Small Black Silver Inside x 1
Medium diffuser Box
Medium Square x 1
Square Silver Deflector Sheet x 1
Umbrella Holder x 1
Duct Tape x 1
diffuser x 1
Bowens 4 leaf barn door x 1
Bowens Snoot x 1
Backdrop Stands & Crossbar
2 Backdrop Stands and a Crossbar which are sturdy & capable of holding most standard width backdrops with ease.
Various Backdrops
We have various backdrops available for our members.
Not all of these may be available as the paper ones do run out due to use.
White Vinyl
Black Fabric
Grey Paper
one that is painted to look like a "Bookshelf"
White Paper
Blue Fabric
Grey Fabric
Wacom Intuos 3 Graphics Tablet
We have a medium sized Wacom Intuos 3 Graphics Tablet. This comes with a word of warning. Chances are if you give this a go and persevere with it you will want to buy your own. So be prepared to, possibly, spend some cash after you've used it.
You can download the drivers from the Wacom Website. You should install the latest drivers BEFORE you plug the tablet into your computer.
Arctic Butterfly Sensor Cleaner
Used to clean the sensor in dSLR cameras. We no longer loan this out if you wish to use it you will need to bring your camera to a meeting where you will be able to use this item.
The club accepts no responsibility for any damage you may cause to your camera when using this piece of equipment.
Bar Stool & Folding Stool
We have had a Bar Stool (chrome bucket seat) and a tall wooden folding stool donated to the club.
V Shaped Pillow
V Shaped Pillow, good for baby portraits amongst other things
White Plastic Column
A white sectional column. It resembles a marble or plaster Roman Column and can be used to sit props on or will take the weight of a child or small person. The height is varied by removing sections
Portable Wireless PA System
We have a wireless microphone & speakers set. it's portable and we use it when we have Guest Speakers visit us so that they can be heard at the back of the room.
Slide Projector
In the days before Television & Digital Projectors the only way to show images large enough for rooms full of people to see easily was with a Slide Projector. If you've got some slides lying around or just want to entertain the kids by making shadow puppets on the wall this is for you!